About: Francesco

Recent Posts by Francesco

Tu fotomodella? Coaching via Skype GRATIS (solo per le prime 3)! Posted on Settembre 15, 2015, by
Vorresti guadagnare facendo la fotomodella indipedentente, ma non sai nulla del settore fotografico amatoriale e professionale? Vuoi imparare come muoverti, Continue Reading...
Isabella: a picture that wants to become a painting Posted on Luglio 14, 2014, by
Rays of Pleasure Over Isabella Naked Body (NSFW) Posted on Giugno 30, 2014, by
Rays of Pleasure Over Isabella Naked Body is an example of “extreme postproduction” (actually very SIMPLE to do). Many photographer Continue Reading...
The Sexy Return of Viola – Italian Glamour (NSFW) Posted on Giugno 22, 2014, by
Viola decided to come back for a more “sexy” / glamour shooting in lingerie that’s the second shooting of her Continue Reading...
Playlist VideoPortfolio Posted on Giugno 21, 2014, by
Qui trovate la Playlist del VideoPortfolio alcune foto del 2012 e altre tratte dal mio Libro Fotografico Adventures in Fantasia Continue Reading...

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